• Posted by: admin
  • 2020-07-11

Ms. Sowmya

Associate cloud Engineer, Outsourcing Inc., in Japan
JLPT level – N3 cleared. Pursuing N2

Initially I started with no interest. 
Gradually, I couldn’t stop falling for the language. 

The main reason being the way it was taught to us.

I Can’t thank Uma sensei enough for giving us the best always and instilling in me the passion for learning a completely new language for which I am grateful to her forever.

I wasn’t so studious but my sensei kept telling me I am doing good and that made me work harder. 

All these year

s, I have not been excited for any of the classes the way I was for her classes.

Cheers to the selflessness, patience and all the efforts of our Uma sensei.

Apart from my IT profession, now I also started teaching Japanese part-time. 

So today, I would proudly say I am a Cloud Engineer by profession and a Japanese language teacher by passion.

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